A Breeded Boy


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It's no secret that me and abeardedboy have shared a special bond and insane chemistry since the day we met just over two years ago. As of late I've been going up to Toronto abeardedboy's home base to help cohost a raging sex party that we started called NoRecip. Every time I've gone up there to help with the party we1ve wanted to make a vid for you guys but unfortunately we've been too trashed or too exhausted to film our sexcapades. This time however I decided its about time the world got to see our smutty sex again so an hour before going to the airport I powered up my camera and woke his hungry ass up in the nicest way possible for an appropriate farewell. Up until this fuck we've always used condoms because he's positiveundetectable and I'm negative. However thanks to the advancements in medical science I have been on PrEP for almost a year now so I was finally able to fuck his ass deep and raw. I'm sure I will get some flack for this but I don't believe in safe sex even condoms are not effective against STDS I believe in smart sex. PrEP allows me to experience sex with undetectable guys that I would never have been able to before with an incredibly low risk. I understand there are still studies being done on side effects and I realize there are a bunch of people against PrEP but I want great sex and condoms ruin the gruff and grit of sex for me personally. So enough of the PSA. Wicked hot video he has the best bottom faces ever. Hope you guys enjoy watching us fuck and me breeding his meat pocket for the very first time!

